SockIt! contains no drugs; it consists of 100% natural food (all plant) ingredients. The gel contains beta-linked acetylated mannans, a unique combination of essential oils and xylitol.
There are many benefits of incorporating SockIt! into all the procedures in your practice. First and foremost it helps your patients by:
1)Providing fast, constant pain relief without causing a numb sensation;
2)Protecting from chemical and microbial contamination; and
3)Promoting optimal wound healing.
SockIt! is a hydrogel wound dressing approved by the FDA for the treatment of all wounds and lesions of the mouth. It is extremely easy to use and code in the office.
Simply follow these simple instructions:
1.Apply in office following the procedure.
2.Send remainder home with patient – instructing them to use every 2-3 hours or as often as needed for pain.